The Latte Stone is a foundation system used by the ancient Chamoru people of the Mariana Islands that was made of two part - the haligi (the pillar-like base) and the tasa (the stone cap). This unique system provided a sturdy foundation yet allowed movement to absorb dynamic forces. At Stonecap we leverage our experience to provide strong support yet remain fluid in our approach to stay nimble in our everchanging industry.
We’re here to change the perception of the structural engineers’ involvement on both the Design and the Construction team. As a key member we will provide guidance given our expertise, but lend an open mind to new ideas and design approaches. Our goal is to execute a project that exceeds expectations not only for our clients, but for everyone who works with us. In the end our product isn’t just a 2D set of plans, but a building that makes a statement.
We take pride in the buildings we design in an effort to shape the community in which it is rooted.